Like many of you, if I have the option to make something versus buying something, I’m more than likely going to make it. Why? Because I don’t like to sit still, and I don’t know how to relax! LOL, Anyone else like that?
When first thinking about the kind of business cards I wanted, I honestly just wanted to keep costs down. I knew I needed business cards, so I tried to find to cheapest way to make them! My branding is purple watercolor and gold, which I thought I could DIY super easily.
First, I tried to make my own digital file to get printed, but I got super overwhelmed and quickly decided I was going to use a template. I browsed through the options on Vista Print and found a pretty plain option (because I knew I was going to spruce them up myself later.) I ended up getting the 500 count and spent less than $20, so I feel like I got a pretty good deal! There are tons of websites that offer cheap business card deals; Vista Print is just the one I used! Definitely look around and try to scope out the best price.

Once they arrived in the mail, I got out my purple RIT dye and went to town! I dipped them from top to the left-hand bottom corner. Each card is hand-dipped and unique, which I love. The dye made such fun water splash textures that I loved to see come to life.

After they dried, I spray painted the edges gold, which gave them a super slight sophisticated touch that I adore. If you use this method, make sure to use scrap paper on the ends, and make sure the stack is tight so that paint doesn’t drip onto the cards. I did have a few cards that the gold spray paint dripped down onto, but I went over them with gold paint after to make it look intentional.
Overall, this was a super easy project and perfect for anyone who has a bit of time on their hands. Good luck friends & happy crafting!
